To prevent deadlocks, the Circular Wait condition is typically avoided by imposing a strict ordering of resource allocation. Circular wait occurs when a set of processes are waiting on each other in a circular chain, creating a dependency loop that cannot be resolved. By assigning a unique order to resource requests, the system ensures no circular dependencies arise, breaking the cycle and preventing deadlock. For example, a system can allocate resources numerically (e.g., low to high resource IDs), ensuring each process requests resources in ascending order. Why Other Options Are Incorrect: 1. Mutual Exclusion: Necessary for non-shareable resources and cannot be avoided. 2. Hold and Wait: Prevented by requiring processes to request all needed resources upfront, but this approach is inefficient. 3. No Preemption: Difficult to implement universally; preempting resources can lead to data inconsistency. 4. Safe State: Refers to deadlock avoidance, not prevention. A safe state ensures that at least one process can complete. Breaking the circular wait condition is a practical and efficient strategy for deadlock prevention in modern operating systems.
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