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Recursion involves a function calling itself until a base condition is met. Each recursive call creates a new stack frame, leading to memory usage that grows with the depth of recursion. Iteration, on the other hand, uses loops and does not involve stack frame creation, making it more memory-efficient in many cases. Why Other Options Are Incorrect: 1. Recursion uses loops for repetition, whereas iteration does not: This statement reverses the roles. Recursion relies on function calls for repetition, while iteration explicitly uses loops (for, while). 2. Iteration cannot solve problems that recursion can solve: Iteration can replicate recursion's functionality by using stacks or queues explicitly. Recursion is often a stylistic or practical choice, not a limitation of iteration. 3. Recursion is always faster than iteration: Recursion can sometimes be slower due to stack overhead and repeated function calls. Tail-call optimization can mitigate this in some languages, but generally, iteration is faster for equivalent tasks. 4. Recursion does not require a base case, while iteration requires a condition: Recursion must have a base case to terminate; otherwise, it leads to infinite calls. Iteration, too, requires a stopping condition, such as a loop exit condition.
In case of Giffens goods, price effect is
When price elasticity of demand is unity, the total expenditure:
Diamond-water paradox establishes the fact that
The goods whose demand is not tied with the demand for some other goods are said to have
The positive cross elasticity of demand between two products means the two products
Economics of scale means
Shifts in demand curve as shown in the figure below represents
A rightward shift in supply curve indicates
When AR is constant, MR is
In a typical demand schedule, quantity demanded varies