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To get the third-highest salary, the query SELECT salary FROM Employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2; fetches the salary value after skipping the top two highest salaries. The outer query ensures that we only get the third-highest salary. Why Other Options are Wrong: a) Incorrect usage of LIMIT; it should be OFFSET 2 instead of LIMIT 2, 1. b) This would return multiple rows or result in an error. c) DISTINCT is unnecessary and could result in wrong data if multiple employees have the same salary. e) This query would return the first three salaries in ascending order, not the third-highest.
The difficulty is trying to spot something big before it becomes a problem but not crying bee too often.
A Chip On Your Shoulder
The heating system is the bane of my life as it always keeps breaking down.
To take someone for a ride
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Despite the obstacles, Jane decided to _______________ and launch her own business.
...Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A cold fish
On the ball
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Mark's sudden promotion was _______________ as he had been working hard and was more q...
Interns are neither fish nor fowl .