In a balanced BST, keys are arranged such that for any node, the left subtree contains keys smaller than the node, and the right subtree contains keys larger than the node. This structure allows Binary Search to perform efficiently, as it eliminates half the search space with each comparison, achieving a time complexity of O(logn). The minimal comparisons and logical traversal make Binary Search optimal for balanced trees. Why Other Options are Incorrect: 1. Linear Search: Linear search checks each node one by one, resulting in O(n) complexity, making it highly inefficient for large datasets. 2. Depth-First Search: DFS explores nodes depth-wise, which is not directly suitable for searching in a sorted structure like BST. 3. Breadth-First Search: BFS examines nodes level-wise, increasing overhead compared to Binary Search in BST. 4. Exponential Search: This method is better suited for arrays rather than tree structures, especially when data sizes are unknown or unbounded.
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