A firewall is effective for filtering network traffic but cannot secure endpoints, such as employee workstations, against vulnerabilities or targeted attacks. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools: 1. Monitor and analyze endpoint activities for suspicious behavior. 2. Detect and mitigate threats like malware or unauthorized access in real-time. 3. Provide visibility into individual devices, complementing network-level defenses. By implementing EDR, organizations gain robust protection for endpoints, reducing the likelihood of breaches. Why Other Options Are Incorrect: • A) Hardware-based firewall: Enhances performance but does not protect endpoints directly. • C) Increasing firewall rules: Focuses only on network traffic, leaving endpoints vulnerable. • D) Disabling VPN access: Restricting remote access doesn't address the workstation’s vulnerability. • E) Restricting social media: While reducing distractions, this measure doesn’t enhance security.
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