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Detailed Explanation: The Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm replaces the page that will not be used for the longest time in the future. It minimizes page faults by making the most informed decision possible based on future knowledge of the reference string. While ideal in theory, it cannot be implemented in practice because predicting future page requests is impossible. However, it is used as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of other page replacement algorithms like LRU and FIFO. This algorithm performs best because it avoids unnecessary page replacements by ensuring only the least critical page is removed. It is particularly useful in environments like simulations or during retrospective analysis of paging behavior. Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
International centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) is located at
...…………………………means the crop producing capacity of a soil which is measured in terms of yield (bio-mass).
...Iron is an important component of which of the following enzyme?
Which of the following hormones is called as stress hormone?
The rate at which the temperature changes as air rises or falls is termed as ………………………….
...Under the PM-KISAN scheme, all landholding farmers' families shall be provided the financial benefit of Rs.____/-per annum per family payable in three ...
Nitrogen deficiency symptoms first appear on
The main purpose of blanching vegetables before freezing is to
The inability of a household or an individual to meet the minimum daily food requirements for a long period of time is known as
Milk is known as complete food which is the rich source of Calcium, Phosphorus etc. but it lacks in