The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) states that a class should have only one reason to change, meaning it should have only one responsibility or function. This principle promotes cohesion by ensuring each class handles a specific part of the software functionality. For instance, a Customer class should handle customer data, while an Invoice class manages invoice generation. Adhering to SRP simplifies debugging, enhances maintainability, and prevents interdependent changes from cascading through the codebase. Why Other Options Are Incorrect :
Which of the following is ephemeral weed?
Drought tolerance in plants is due to:
Who has become the first women Director General of World Trade Organization?
The primary goals of the insect respiratory system are to deliver oxygen from the air to the tissues and to transport carbon dioxide from the tissues to...
Gulkand is prepared from mixing petal and sugar in ratio of
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The most abundant mineral nutrient in plant is
Baby corn is harvested at the stage of