Digital signatures are cryptographic techniques used to verify the authenticity and integrity of digital messages or documents. They use asymmetric encryption, where the sender’s private key generates the signature, and the recipient uses the sender’s public key to verify it. This ensures that the message has not been altered (integrity) and confirms the identity of the sender (authenticity). Digital signatures are widely used in securing emails, legal documents, and software distributions. They are an essential part of protocols like SSL/TLS, enabling secure communication over the internet. For instance, in online banking, digital signatures ensure that transactions originate from the legitimate account holder. Why Other Options Are Incorrect :
Which is the driver of increasing agricultural productivity of small and marginal farmers in India?
Acidic soil does not contain which of the following property?
GnRH released from which organ?
Which of the following is a common symptom of calcium deficiency in tomato plants?
Which variety of sugarcane should be planted under saline water conditions in southwestern districts of Punjab?
Which of the following statement in not true about CAM plants
In the process of micropropagation, plantlets are gradually acclimatized before plantation in farm
A farmer has taken 3 lakh loan under KCC, after interest subvention farmer has to pay what percentage of interest if he has timely repaid the loan?
Pink fleshed variety of Papaya