Public-key encryption using the recipient’s public key is the best choice for ensuring data confidentiality during transmission. This method leverages asymmetric encryption, where the recipient’s public key is used to encrypt the data, and only the recipient can decrypt it using their private key. This ensures that even if the data is intercepted during transmission, it cannot be read by unauthorized parties without access to the recipient's private key. For example, when a user sends an email encrypted with the recipient's public key, only the recipient can decrypt it, preserving confidentiality. Asymmetric encryption also avoids the risk of key compromise associated with pre-shared keys in symmetric encryption. Moreover, it scales better for secure communication across multiple parties because each participant needs only one pair of keys (public and private) instead of maintaining numerous shared keys. Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
Pebrine disease of silkworm is caused by
Larvae of _____________ causes damage in redgram by webbing together flowers, pods and leaves with frass often on pods and shoot tips.
This Chemical known as “Apple Factor” which is released by Malus sp. and acts as an attractant to Aphis pomi is:
Apis mellifera is also known as
Insects are classified into the phylum_______.
The headquarter of Central Silk Board is located at
Which mechanism of resistance involves adverse effects on the biology of insects and their progeny due to biochemical and biophysical factors in the hos...
Propodeum is found in the insect belonging to the sub-order:
Which pest is identified by the ‘honeydew’ it secretes, which often leads to the development of sooty mold on plant leaves ?
Shellac is secreted by