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The average weight of 4 persons is 40 kg. The heaviest person’s weight is 26 kg more than the lightest person’s weight. If the average weight of the...
Average age of company A is 21 years and average age of both companies A and B is 13 years. If the ratio of number of employees in company A and B is 3:...
The average score obtained by 23 students in a class test is 68 marks. The top place was shared by 3 people who got the same score. If the lowest score ...
In an examination the average marks of Rohit is 65. If he got 15 more marks in science and 25 more marks in maths then his average would have been 70. F...
In a classroom, there are 24 male students and 16 female students. The male students have an average age of 16 years, while the female students average ...
Average run scored by a batsman in 20 innings is 50. In next 6 innings, he scored runs with an average of ‘x’ so that his overall average increases ...
The average age of 13 girls is 40 years. If the age of one more girl is added the average decreases by half a year. What is the age of new girl?
What is the average of odd numbers greater than 10 but less than 30?
The average temperature for a week is recorded as 35.4°C. The difference between the highest and lowest temperatures during the week is 30°C. Addition...
The average of five numbers is 30. If one of the numbers is removed, the average becomes 25. What is the number that was removed?