To amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power.
Acetate can prevent ropiness and growth of molds but do not interfere with
Which of the following Ingridents used as Ethylene absorber in active packaging system.
a) Aluminium oxide
b) Calcium oxi...
“Foods or dietary components that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition is called.
GTR stands for
HPP only employed in …operations.
a) Batch
b) Semi-batch
c) Continuous
d) A & C both
...The immunoglobulins that can bind with mast cells and release histamine…
Choose the correct statement in context of GMP
a) Safety glasses and Masks are not mandatory when handling hazardous chemicals.
When food placed in hot oil then what happens
In which of the following high Content of β-Glucan found
Bacteria in which growth phase are more baro-sensitive