Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistors commonly known as MOSFETs are electronic devices used to switch or amplify voltages in circuits. It is a voltage controlled device and is constructed by three terminals. The terminals of MOSFET are named as follows: Source. Gate.
Given below are sentences with an error in each. The error is in one part of the sentence. Below each sentence are given the options containing the par...
A nation what had been once tried to kill him was the first to embrace him.
I am (A)/ excited about the new (B)/project our team (C)/will be working on this month.(D)
Coconut testa oil made from reuse of virgin coconut oil are fit for consumption.
Flights leaving Honk Kong were disrupted/ for a second day, plunging the former British Colony/ deeply into turmoil as its stock market/ fell to a seven...
The eminent journalist (a)/ expressed his helplessness in making (b)/ the seminar to be held in the university premises. (c)/ No error (d)
The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error.
The concert has started when he...
Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The le...
The surrealist movement seek to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind.
The government should vest (1)/ bank ownership at a holding (2)/ company whose board should (3)/ appoint boards of individual banks. (4)