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The relationship between the quantity of refined oil and mustard oil in Mixtures 'P,' 'Q,' and 'R' is described as 7:3, 1:1, and 3:2, respectively. If t...
Two types of Pulses costs Rs. 240/kg and Rs. 340/kg. In what ratio should these be mixed so that obtained mixture sold at Rs. 324/kg to earn a profit of...
A merchant has 20 liters of alcohol. To achieve a 75% profit by selling the mixture at the original cost price of the alcohol, how much water should he ...
A certain quantity of a 35% sugar solution is mixed with 10 liters of a 48% sugar solution to obtain a 40% sugar solution. How many liters of the 35% su...
How many kilograms of rice cost Rs. 60 per kg? must be mixed with 26 kg. of rice costing Rs. 42 per kg. so that there may be a gain of 12% by selling th...
Jar 'A' contains 320 liters of a milk and water mixture, with 3/4th of it being milk and the rest being water. 25% of this mixture is transferred to Ja...
A container initially holds 120 litres of pure alcohol. First, 18 litres of alcohol is removed and replaced with an equal quantity of water. Then, 18 li...
A vessel is completely filled with milk. If 52% of the milk is replaced with water then only 348 ml of milk will be left in the vessel. What is the tota...
40 liters of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio of 17: 3. After the addition of some more milk, the ratio of milk to water in the resulting ...
The ratio of Petrol and Diesel in the container is 3:2 when 20 litres of the mixture is taken out and is replaced by the diesel. The ratio becomes 2:3. ...