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Given below are six sentences, four of which (P, Q, R, S). are jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order of P, Q, R, S.
S-1. The site...
We have come this far
P- creators chose to create, build,
Q- because a few bold innovators and
R- make, do, or start something.
1. Contingent risks have become
P. have now increased
Q. to increase fee based
R. More important as banks
S. off balance she...
Which of the following would be the THIRD statement after rearrangement?
Which of the following is the sixth (last) sentence of the passage?
...Which is the FIRST sentence of the paragraph?
Which is the LAST sentence of the paragraph?
P: Of the greater uncontrolled powers
Q: Tax terrorism increases because
R: At the expense of civil liberties
Given below are four sentences in jumbled order. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A. In arid regions of Rajasthan, almost all hous...
A. mere negligence
B. as instances of
C. it would be wrong to
D. categorize deliberate acts