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Rectifier diode
Which acids on leaves of gram is beneficial for stomach ailments and blood purification?
a production system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetically compounded fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, genetically modifie...
Rabi maize yield is _____ kharif maize
Following is the market, Which is classified on the basis of degree of competition
Apatite is a group of minerals which mainly contains___
Recently which state announced that the state will ban the cultivation of the PUSA-44 paddy variety from next year onwards?
Under PMFBY the premium % to be paid by Farmer of the total cost for Commercial and Horticultural crops?
Universal antidote is the mixture of activated charcoal : Tiannic acid : MgO in the ratio of
The seed rate for long duration rice varieties is ____________ kg/ha.
What are the activities of plants shown during severe drought?