This command is used to go to the parent directory in the file system. The ".." represents the parent directory, allowing the user to navigate up one level in the directory structure.
Who has the power to give directions under IFSCA Act?
The banking system, which had accumulated bad debts during the period of economic resurgence after the 1991 reforms, was supported through the deregula...
In the IFSCA Listing Regulations 2024, what is the maximum period for which the price stabilization process under the Green Shoe Option can be active po...
As per the IFSCA Circular on Direct Market Access (DMA) and Sponsored Access (SA) for Bullion Exchange Participants (July 2024), who is responsible for ...
Under the IFSCA (Banking) Regulations 2020, which currency can IFSC Banking Units conduct their business in by default?
Which of the following enactment has not been amended by IFSCA Act?
The population covered with bank accounts increased from 53 per cent in 2015-16 to ________ in 2019-21 (as per NFHS).
Which of the following is not a phase under the DMADV model of six sigma?
How much investment has been committed by banks and financial institutions in renewable energy projects in India by 2030?
How much capital against risk weighted assets need to be adhered by a Finance Company registered in IFSC?