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Designing the control unit using microinstructions.
Statement: An advertisement of an insurance company “Want to take a new insurance policy! Just dial our ‘home service’ and we will c...
Event (A): The residents of Oorgaumpet in Kolar Gold Fields woke to see a 200-ft-deep sinkhole, which had formed overnight in their neighbourhood. <...
Statement : "The company has launched a new app to address customer grievances quickly."
Assumptions :
I. Customers may find the app e...
Statement : The judgement relating to the 2G scam case has been prima facie examined and it appears that the evidence adduced to substantiate the cha...
Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): Alcohol, instead of mercury, is used in thermometers to measure temperatures up to 60°C.
<...Statement: Even with the increase in the number of Mineral fuels factories in India, we still continue to import Mineral fuel.
Statement: As per a Government notification, the Health Department has revised the prices of blood units and its components in all the private blood ban...
Statement: “My KASSIA” mobile app has been launched by of KASSIA (Karnataka Small Scale Industries Association) to help in faster dissemin...
Statement: The Kabini Backwaters, a paradise for elephants in scorching summer, is a let-down for wildlife this year owing to extreme drought.
...Statement: If private schools affiliated to the State Board appoint teachers without the right qualifications or fail to display their education statu...