The "Model" in the MVC architecture is responsible for managing data and business logic. This includes communication with the database to retrieve, update, or manipulate data. The "Model" encapsulates the database operations and shields the rest of the application from direct database communication.
A man got a discount of 10% on sugar at Big Mart which allowed him to buy 25 kg more for ₹200/-. What is the discounted price and the original price o...
Ram gave a discount of 20% on the marked price of an item and still gained 10.4%. How much would have Ram gained, if he sold the item at the marked price?
Amit sold an electric iron for ₹ 5312 after giving a discount of 17% on the market price. Had he not given the discount, he would have earned a profit...
A shopkeeper offers the following two discount schemes.
A) Two successive discounts of 12% and 18%
B) Buy 6 get 3 free.
Which schem...
A shopkeeper sold an article for Rs. 840 after giving a discount of 20%. What was the marked price of the article?
A shopkeeper allows a discount of 12% to his customers and still gains 18%. Find the marked price of an article which costs Rs.528 to the shopkeeper. (A...
What is the single discount equivalent to the successive discounts of 20%, 30%, and 10%?
Find the cost price of the digital watch for the shopkeeper if he initially marked it at 80% above the cost price and later offered two successive disco...
The list price of an Article is Rs. 200 and a customer buys is for Rs. 153 after two successive discounts. If the first discount is 10%. Find the other ...
An item with a marked price of ₹4,000 was sold for ₹3,492 after a discount of y% was offered. What was the value of y?