The correct answer is A
How is J related to Q's brother-in-law?
How is D related to G?
If M is married to P, then how is S related to M?
Which of the following can be the correct conclusion drawn from the expression?
‘R + S % T $ U @ V’?
J is the father of H but H is not the son of J, who is married to Q. O is the mother-in-law of Q. How is H related to F, if F is married to O?
Who is husband of mother of Z?
Which among the following option(s) is/are definitely true?
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are from two generations and four married couple. V and T are married couples. P is father in law of U, who is s...
A’s mother is the mother – in – law of father of C. C is brother of B while A is father of M. How is A related to C?
How is S related to Q?