
    Which register stores the temporary results during

    A Program Counter (PC) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Memory Address Register (MAR) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Accumulator (AC) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Instruction Register (IR) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Stack Pointer (SP) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The  Accumulator (AC) is a key register in a CPU that is used to store intermediate results of arithmetic and logical operations. During computation, when the CPU performs operations such as addition, subtraction, or logical operations, the results are temporarily stored in the accumulator before being transferred to memory or used in further computations. For example, in a simple operation like adding two numbers, the first number is loaded into the accumulator, and then the second number is added to it. The result remains in the accumulator until the next operation or until it is moved to another memory location.

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