Concurrency in the context of operating systems refers to the ability of the OS to manage multiple tasks, processes, or threads at once. These tasks may not necessarily run at the same time (simultaneously); rather, they are interleaved, with the CPU switching between tasks. This is essential in multi-tasking environments, especially when there is only a single CPU or a limited number of processors. The operating system handles task management, ensuring that all processes are given attention, even if they are not running at the exact same moment. Option A (Multiple tasks running at the same time): This is parallelism, not concurrency. Concurrency involves handling multiple tasks but not necessarily at the same time. Option B (Execution in parallel): Again, this is parallelism. Concurrency doesn’t always require parallel execution. Option D (Only one task executed at a time): This is a sequential execution model, which is not related to concurrency. Option E (Completing tasks faster): While concurrency can improve throughput, its primary focus is on task management, not necessarily speeding up execution.
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