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A semaphore is a synchronization mechanism that is crucial for controlling access to shared resources in a multithreaded environment. It serves as a signaling mechanism that can be used to prevent race conditions, which occur when multiple threads attempt to modify shared data simultaneously, leading to unpredictable outcomes. Semaphores maintain a count of available resources and ensure that only a certain number of threads can access the critical section of code at any given time. When a thread wants to enter a critical section, it checks the semaphore's value; if it is greater than zero, the thread decrements it and proceeds; otherwise, it is blocked until the semaphore is released by another thread. This prevents multiple threads from executing critical sections concurrently, thereby eliminating race conditions and ensuring data consistency. Option B (Fork) - Fork is used to create new processes, not for synchronizing access to shared resources. Option C (Signal) - Signals are used for inter-process communication but do not provide the same level of resource control as semaphores. Option D (Context Switch) - Context switching refers to the operating system's ability to switch between processes and threads, which does not inherently prevent race conditions. Option E (Stack) - A stack is a data structure and does not serve any synchronization purpose in multithreading.
Some squares are circles.
No circle is a traingle.                Â
Statement: All mobiles are laptops.
Only a few mobiles are chargers.
Some laptops are led.
1. Some mobiles are...
Only a few Planet is Mars.
No Mars is Pluto.
Only Pluto is Saturn.
I. Some Saturn can never ...
No subject is predicate.
All predicate is vowel.
Only a few vowel is preposition.
I. No vowe...
Some Cable are Table
No Table are Chair
All Chair are Rack
I) Â Some Cable are not Rack...
All Planets are Satellites.
Only few Satellites are Comets.
Only few Comets are Constellation.
No Const...
Statement:Â Â
All circles are bangle.
Mostly squares are bangle.
At-least some bangle are heart.
1. M...
Statement: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Only a few Chinese are Pakistani         Â
Most of the Pakistani are Terrorist         Â...
Statements :No number is a symbol.
No symbol is a letter.
No letter is a draft.
Conclusions :I. No number is draft.
II. Some...
All aeroplanes are trains.
Some trains are chairs.Â
I. Some aeroplanes are chairs.
II. So...