A life insurance policy in which if all the premium payments are complete and the insured is free of all payment obligations, the policy stays intact until insured's death or termination of the policy is called paid-up policy. Description: Paid-up policy falls into the category of traditional insurance plans.
Who among the following person lives on the floor immediately above A?
If in a certain way ‘ACER’ is related to ‘Maruti’, ASUS is related to ‘BMW’ in the same way ‘Samsung’ is related to who among the follo...
The student who belongs to China appeared for which exam?
How many boxes are between the one who at second place from the bottom and D?
Who among of the following lives to the East of the one who speaks Hindi?
Who among the following attends conference in the same day in which A attends?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
...Who among the following person goes on Friday?
Which of the following combinations is correct?
Who among the following was oldest?