The act of judging the nature or the value of something or someone.
In soil, heat transfer is mainly due to
Under Soil Health Card Scheme, what is the cycle of testing of soil for irrigated area and area from which single sample is to be drawn?
The absolute density of soil is also referred to as ……………….which is generally 2.60-2.75 gm/cm3
According to the mobility of element in soil; which of the following is considered as Immobile in soil.
What is the primary function of humus in soil?
Which law defines the relationship between the settling velocity of soil particles and their size in a liquid medium?
Soil is a natural body composed of mineral and organic costituents, having definite genesis and a distinct nature of its own. Who amongst the following ...
The saline soils contain toxic concentration of soluble salts in the root zone. These saline soils are also known as…………...
……………………………. is the prominent member of 1:1 type group in which one tetrahedral and one octahedral layer is present.
...Which metamorphic rock is formed from the alteration of shale?