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In a "soft market," intense competition among insurers leads to lower premiums and more relaxed underwriting standards.
In how many different ways can the letters of word ‘PUMPKIN’ be arranged?
History books are never together.
How many numbers of five digits may be formed with the digits 5, 0, 9, 0, and 6?
Maria and Ariana were only two girls participating in a Billiards tournament. Every Participant played two games with every other participant. The numb...
In an examination of 5 subjects, it is mandatory for a student to pass in each subject. In how many ways can she fail?
How many three-letter words can be formed such that all letters are vowels, and no two letters are the same?
How many even five-digit numbers can be formed using the digits 0 to 9 if no digit is repeated?
In how many ways can 7 beads be arranged to make a necklace?
How many ways can 8 women and 8 men be seated around a circular table where no two women can sit together?
11 people decided to spend an afternoon in two groups. A group of them decided to go to the theater and the remaining decided to play tennis. In how man...