This question is asking about the frequency of worrying about future or things that are out of one's control. The correct answer is "b) Sometimes." It indicates that the person may experience some level of worry or anxiety about the future or things they cannot control but it does not consume their thoughts all the time. It is normal to have some level of concern about the future, but it is important to find ways to manage these worries and focus on the present moment.
The variety of mango ‘Sindhu’’ is produced from the crossing between……………….
Soybean contains __% protein and ___% oil content.
Un irrigated tobacco grown in Odisha is
Variety of super rice is
The Hydrolytic decomposition of protein and release of amines and amino acids is termed as ……………………………………..
...The practice of smoking under trees to induce early flowering in mango is known as _____
In the case of pigeon pea, as the seed germinates, the shoot (plumule) elongates, and the cotyledons are lifted above the soil surface. Such type of g...
Which spice is propagated vegetatively through corms?
Phosphorus containing minerals are:
Critical stage of water requirement in groundnut is