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Individuals who are "very likely" to seek out the opinions and perspectives of others when making important decisions are often considered to be collaborative and open-minded. They value diverse perspectives and believe that making well-informed decisions requires input from multiple sources. They are willing to listen to others and consider their opinions, even if they don't necessarily agree with them. Seeking out others' opinions can help to broaden their perspective and lead to better decision-making outcomes.
Statement: An advertisement of an insurance company “Want to take a new insurance policy! Just dial our ‘home service’ and we will c...
Event (A): The residents of Oorgaumpet in Kolar Gold Fields woke to see a 200-ft-deep sinkhole, which had formed overnight in their neighbourhood. <...
Statement : "The company has launched a new app to address customer grievances quickly."
Assumptions :
I. Customers may find the app e...
Statement : The judgement relating to the 2G scam case has been prima facie examined and it appears that the evidence adduced to substantiate the cha...
Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): Alcohol, instead of mercury, is used in thermometers to measure temperatures up to 60°C.
<...Statement: Even with the increase in the number of Mineral fuels factories in India, we still continue to import Mineral fuel.
Statement: As per a Government notification, the Health Department has revised the prices of blood units and its components in all the private blood ban...
Statement: “My KASSIA” mobile app has been launched by of KASSIA (Karnataka Small Scale Industries Association) to help in faster dissemin...
Statement: The Kabini Backwaters, a paradise for elephants in scorching summer, is a let-down for wildlife this year owing to extreme drought.
...Statement: If private schools affiliated to the State Board appoint teachers without the right qualifications or fail to display their education statu...