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In response to failure, individuals may have different approaches. Some may choose to persevere and try again, while others may become overwhelmed and discouraged. Giving up and moving on or blaming others or external factors are also possible responses. It is important to remember that failure is a natural part of growth and development, and how one responds to it can be a reflection of their resilience and determination. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to determine their own response to failure and use it as an opportunity for growth and learning.
She asked me to ___ the ___ so that we could have a better view of the sunset.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
I ______ an unopened letter lying on the mantelpiece.
Sitaram Swain, winner of the Emerging Artist of the year Award 2017, tells us how common objects …….him to deal ….. bigger issues.
After working for 10 hours straight, we decided to _______.
It was free pedicure as we rubbed the soles of our feet on the stone steps and dangled _______ in the water for the fish to nibble away _________ the dirt.
In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and in...
Cryptocurrencies represent a novel and rapidly _______ form of digital currency that has the ________ to reshape financial systems and transactions.
Choose the correct alternative out of the four choices given below each sentence.
It was the first time he had eaten a square meal _____ he had l...
Sentences are given below with a blank. Fill in these blanks with the appropriate option.
The friendly neighbor's __________ gesture of offer...
The scientists believe that their breakthrough could ______ the future of renewable energy.