Handling stressful situations involves a number of different strategies. It is important to remain calm and focused, take deep breaths, and try to think through the situation as rationally as possible. Seeking help from others can also be beneficial, whether it's talking to a trusted friend or seeking professional guidance. Avoiding stressful situations altogether is not always possible, and lashing out at others is never a productive or healthy response.
After interchanging '- ' and '+ ' , 6 and 7 , which of the following equations becomes correct?
...The given equation has been solved on the basis of a certain rule. Find the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis.
If p × ...
If '+' means '÷', '÷' means '–', '–' means '×', '×' means '+', then ' 30 + 10 ÷ 6 – 5 × 6 ' = (?)
...Which one of the following is correct?
28 * 7 * 8 * 10
If 'P' denote '÷', 'θ' denotes 'x', 'R' denotes '+' and 'S' denotes '-', what is the value of ' 18 θ 12 P 4 R 5 S 6 '.
After interchanging ÷ and × , 4 and 8, which of the following equations becomes correct?
Which of the following is correct?
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs from the options given to replace # signs and get a balanced equation. 24 #8 #4 # 10 # 2
Which signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct.
45 ÷ 5/3 + 10 × 2/5 - 5 = 95