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Specific performance in respect of contracts, Explanation: Section 10. Specific performance in respect of contracts.—The specific performance of a contract shall be enforced by the court subject to the provisions contained in sub-section (2) of section 11, section 14 and section 16.
Asad Ali Khan is associated with which among the following musical instruments?
Which of the following rivers form Kunchikal waterfall in Karnataka?
Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation Limited (RIICO) was established in the year -
Who inaugurated the Centre of Management Education of IIM Mumbai and IIM Sambalpur at NALCO Training Institute in Angul?
Which of the following banks has been designated as a domestically systemically important bank?
The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) which was launched by The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) three years ago, has now crossed what numbe...
The credit deposit ratio of Scheduled commercial bank is lower in which region at 44.7%?
Which is the Indian state with highest percentage of Scheduled Castes (SCs) in their population as per the Census of 2011?
Which of the following statements is / are correct in regards to budget 2023 - 24?
1. MISHTI, to be taken up for mangrove plantation along the...