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Section 21 of The RBI Act 1934. S.21. Bank to have the right to transact Government business in India. (1) The [Central Government] shall entrust the Bank, on such conditions as may be agreed upon, with all its money, remittance, exchange and banking transactions in India, and, in particular, shall deposit free of interest all its cash balances with the Bank: Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall prevent the Central Government from carrying on money transactions at places where the Bank has no branches or agencies, and the Central Government may hold at such places such balances as it may require. (2) The Central Government shall entrust the Bank, on such conditions as may be agreed upon, with the management of the public debt and with the issue of any new loans. (3) In the event of any failure to reach agreement on the conditions referred to in this section the Central Government shall decide what the conditions shall be. (4) Any agreement made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before Parliament.
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
Health is freedom in India, not dependence on doctors, that’s why we need to minimise illness and know how to delegate roles to communities.
...9. Our efforts are (1) / aimed to bring about (2) / a reconciliation. (3) / No error (4)
Did you knew that the radio is ranked number two in the list of ‘101’ Gadgets that changed the World’s according to History Channel?
For instance, at no point does the decree explicitly talk about (A)/the widespread issue of child marriage that has been prevalent (B)/even before the ...
Inside it is a (A)/confection of dark (B)/polished wood, shine brass (C)/and comfortable banquettes (D).
...The committee of experts, along with their assistants, were /reviewing the final report and will submit/ it to the board next week after they/ has finis...
Backed by procurement, remunerative and stable support prices can helping for ensuring thorugh the risk of wild swings in the production and prices ...
You are presented with a sentence which is divided into five parts. The part in bold is grammatically correct. Out of the remaining four parts, three ar...
As several studies shows over (1)/ the years, the annual data is useful in (2)/ reviewing trends of extreme events. (3)/ No error. (4)