
    What are the qualifications of a Presiding Officer of SAT?

    A Shall be a Judge of a High Court for atleast 7 years. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Shall be a Judge of a Supreme Court Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Shall be Chief Justice of a High Court. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D A or B or C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E B or C. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    As per s.15M. Qualification for appointment as Presiding Officer, Judicial Member and Technical Member.- - A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Presiding Officer or a Judicial Member or a Technical Member of the Securities Appellate Tribunal, unless he   (a) is, or has been, a Judge of the Supreme Court or a Chief Justice of a High Court or a Judge of High Court for at least seven years, in the case of the Presiding Officer; and (b) is, or has been, a Judge of High Court for at least five years, in the case of a Judicial Member; or (c) in the case of a Technical Member (i) is, or has been, a Secretary or an Additional Secretary in the Ministry or Department of the Central Government or any equivalent post in the Central Government or a State Government; or (ii) is a person of proven ability, integrity and standing having special knowledge and professional experience, of not less than fifteen years, in financial sector including securities market or pension funds or commodity derivatives or insurance.   Qualifications of Presiding officer of SAT – similar question present in chapter test

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