A restrictive trade practice means a trade practice which tends to bring about manipulation of price or conditions of delivery or to affect flow of supplies in the market realting to goods or services in such a manner as to impose on the consumer unjustified costs or restrictions and shall include- (a) delay beyond the period agreed to by a trader in supply of such goods or in providing the services which has led or is likely to lead to rise in the price. (b) any trade practice which requires a consumer to buy, hire or avail of any goods or, as the case may be, services as condition precedent to buying hiring or availing of other goods or services. Restrictive Trade practice definition – same topic question in SEBI Legal 2020 memory based paper
After a below normal monsoon season, the farmers suffered loss in the actual harvest for the year. The government released relief package for the farmer...
Decision making is core to which of the following management functions?
Which of the following is not a group decision making technique?
Why is it crucial to clearly define the problem in decision-making?
The pre-dispositioning theory of decision making was given by ___________
Which of the following decisions cannot be delegated?
Rational decision making is a multi-step process starting with defining the problem. What is the next step in this process?
For decision making to exist, there needs to be at least ______ alternative(s) available.
Which of the following will not be a part of decision making process?
An Autocratic leader is likely to use which of the following type of decision making technique?