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As per CPC S. 51. Powers of Court to enforce execution.— Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, the Court may, on the application of the decree-holder, order execution of the decree— (a) by delivery of any property specifically decreed; (b) by attachment and sale or by the sale without attachment of any property; (c) by arrest and detention in prison [for such period not exceeding the period specified in section 58, where arrest and detention is permissible under that section]; (d) by appointing a receiver; or (e) in such other manner as the nature of the relief granted may require. This topic discussed as important in Course Video as well as live class.
The total number of cereal crops included in Minimum Support Price are
Who among the following is popularly known as the Father of Agricultural Demonstration?
The average hulling percentage of rice is
The recently approved variety DMH 11, the 1st GM Food Crop is tolerant to ____
The first commercial hybrid variety of cotton is ______
The unit of spectral energy fluence rate is
What is the main difference between a four-stroke engine and a two-stroke engine in terms of cycle completion?
Casein is obtained from
The pest which attack both in field and storage of pulses is–
To reduce fertilizer use govt has decreased urea bag size from 50 kg to __ kg.