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Persona non grata means unacceptable or unwelcome person. The maxim has evolved in the area of diplomatic relations which means that a foreign diplomat is unwelcome in that country. In other words, it is a status applied by a host country to foreign diplomats to remove their protection by diplomatic immunity from arrest and other normal kinds of prosecution. Under Article 9 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a receiving state may "at any time and without having to explain its decision" declare any member of a diplomatic staff persona non grata.[1] A person so declared is considered unacceptable and is usually recalled to his or her home nation. If not recalled, the receiving state "may refuse to recognize the person concerned as a member of the mission"
Which of the following erosion is the removal of soil by running water with the formation of an areas of small branching channels. It can be removed by ...
One kilogram of nitrogen is equivalent to which of the following quantity of urea?
Durgapura Kesar is an important cultivator of:
Which aquaculture technology involves stocking different fish species that are compatible and non-competitive, utilizing various feeding zones of a pond...
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum survives in soil in the form of:
Dapog method of nursery raising is followed in
Which of the following is generally used for reclamation of soil acidity?
According to estimation, how much cultivated area in India will remain rainfed even after reaching the full irrigation potential?
Match set A (instrument) with set B (measured parameter)
The areas suffering from non-availability of ground water due to over exploitation are popular referred to as which of the following?