
    After dissolution every partner has a right to restrain___

    A Use of firm name Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Use of firm name in carrying out any business. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Partner who has purchased good will also cannot use firm name. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D A and B. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E A, B and C. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


      S. 53 RIGHT TO RESTRAIN FROM USE OF FIRM-NAME OR FIRM-PROPERTY.   After a firm is dissolved, every partner or his representative may, in the absence of a contract between the partners to the contrary, restrain any other partner or his representative from carrying on a similar business in the firm-name or from using any of the property of the firm for his own benefit, until the affairs of the firm have been completely wound up : Provided that where any partner or his representative has brought the goodwill of the firm, nothing in this section shall affect his right to use the firm-name.

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