264. Fraudulent use of false instrument for weighing. 265. Fraudulent use of false weight or measure. 266. Being In possession of false weight or measure. 267. Making or selling false weight or measure.
What does vermicomposting involve?
Which one is cole-crop:
Which chemical developed during fermentation of tea imparts Black Colour of tea?
Durgapura Kesar is an important cultivator of:
Which fruit among the options is affected by the physiological disorder known as Cock's comb?
According to second advance estimate of Horticulture production 2023-24, arrange the following in sequence?
The purpose of glaciogenic seeding in cloud seeding is
What is the term for the negative effect that a host plant has on the growth of an insect-pest that feeds on it?
Marginal utility signifies
Which of the following option best defines the term “Transhumance”?