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Garner vs. Murray is an English case from 1904. This case came to one of the most revered case in the history of partnership businesses and the decisions given by Mr. Justice Joyee are still used in the present day as a rule to deal with similar situations. It was also adopted into the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. It was held that the solvent partners are only liable to make good their share of deficiency, and that the remaining assets should be divided among them in the proportion of their capitals. Section 48 of Indian Partnership Act 1932 is similar to the Section 44 of the Partnership Act in Great Britain and further there has been no case law in India to deal with such situations. So, in India these are applicability with respect to following considerations: • Garner vs. Murray is applicable only when there is no agreement between the partners for sharing the deficiency in capital account of insolvent partner. • Realisation loss should be divided in the profit sharing ratio in the usual manner. • The solvent partners should bring in cash to make good the loss on realization. • Final debit balance of insolvent partner should be distributed amongst the solvent partners in proportion in their last agreed capital. • A solvent partner having debit balance in capital account will not share any loss due to insolvency of a partner.
Statements: Some earth are moon.
Some moon are sun.
Conclusions: I. Some earth are sun.
Statements:Some fishes are octopus.
All octopuses are crocodiles.
Some crocodiles are families.
Conclusions:I. some crocodiles are ...
I. All Passages can be Streets
II. Some Footpaths are Roads
Only a few necklaces are chains.
No chain is a bracelet.
All bracelets are bangles.
I. No ba...
Statements: Only cars are motorcycles.
No motorcycle is a bike.
Some bikes are scooters.
All scooters are jeeps.
Some Myntra are Ajio
Only a few Ajio are Amazon
I. ...
Some year are day.
Each year is month.
Only day are week.
I. Some month are week.
II. Some month are year.
III. No year is week
In the given question, three statements are given each followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true, even if th...
Statements :No poem is a story
All stories are novels.
All novels are articles.
Conclusions :I. All articles are stories.
All Honest are Intelligent.
Only a few Intelligent are Smart.
No Intelligent is Descent.
I. N...