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In Bhagwandas V. Girdhari lal the court held that the contract act does not expressly deal with the place where a contract has been made. As against cases of correspondence by post or telegram, in the present case of correspondence by a telephone, a contract was formed when acceptance was duly communicated to the offeror Lalman Shukla V. Gauri Dutt is touted as a landmark judgment for the validity of the contract The issue in Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co was whether the advert in question constituted an offer or an invitation to treat. By Satyabrata v Mugneeram, [1] the Supreme Court established the scope of Section 56 of ICA [2] that impossibility as mentioned in the said Section is used in a practical and not in literal sense
Which one of the FOLLOWING does not obey Mendel's law
At what height, geostationary satellites are placed above the earth surface?
The process where two crystals that are in a point of contact, join together into one crystal is called as .....................recrystallization.
The study and science for the Aesthetic and shady plantation for decoration/ Ornamental purpose?
How many agro-climatic zones are there in India?
Liquorice is also known as -
The pest which can be managed by minimizing field gleanings is?
The oxidation of one molecule of NADH in mitochondria results in formation of
Not lesg than one-third of the total number of seats in all the three tiers of panchayat shall be roserved for women - It provides
The branches in cotton which bear fruits are called as: