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Statute of ICJ Art. 38. 1) The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with International law, such disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply; a) International Conventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by contesting States. b) International Custom as evidence of general practice accepted by law. c) General principles of law recognized by civilized nations. d) Subject to provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and teachings of most highly qualified publicist of various nations, as subsidiary means for determining the rules of law.
The IMF and the World Bank were conceived as institutions to-
Which of the following statement is NOT correct -
When RBI raises the Cash reserve Ratio rate what action are the banks required to take?
The process by which market participants try to find an equilibrium price?
Which of the following statement is/are NOT correct with respect to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)?
Which of the following reports is not released by the World Economic Forum?
What is FCCB?
What does S stands for in Real Time Gross ____ (RTGS)?
Securities with the combination of characteristics of debt and equity securities are known as
The IMF and the World Bank were conceived as institutions to-