Under section 22 of the Act, any person aggrieved by an award, decision or order of the Tribunal, may file an appeal to the Supreme Court, within 90 (ninety) days from the date of communication of the award, decision or order of the Tribunal.
In the following question, four words are given, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
Even as the Central Government is committed (A) to creating a more disabled-friendly police service through the issuance (B) of these standards, it ...
In the following question, four words are given, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
A study conducted in Australian had shown that plain packaging accelerated the decline in smoking preveilance and reduced the appeal of tobacco...
Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
The athlete’s remarkable performance in the championship helped him achieve his long-standing goal of being crown as the best in his discipline...
This time, the MLAs will rise (A) the issues vigorously (B) so that the government (C) will be forced (D) to reply.
...In each of the questions below, a sentence is given with four words highlighted in bold in the sentence. Among these bold words, one may be wrongly spe...
Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
For an alternative for the financial back up to the world, Brics came up with the idea of financial architecture and concieved the idea of a fi...