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The role of judges in interpreting and developing law. In a common law legal system, judges have a significant role in interpreting and developing the law through their decisions in individual cases. This means that legal precedent is important and can be used to guide future decisions. In a civil law legal system, on the other hand, judges are primarily focused on applying the law as written, and there is less emphasis on legal precedent.
Aqua Ltd. just declared the earnings of Rs. 23 per share. The company is involved in the manufacture of cars. The average PE of electronics industry is ...
Which section of the Income Tax Act, 1961, allows a deduction of interest paid on loan taken for purchase of an electric vehicle?
Which Ind AS deals with Revenue from Contracts with Customers?
The form of Annual Financial Statement and Demand for Grants shall be laid down to Parliament by whom?
If a company operating in a different country works the manner exactly like the parent company, such orientation is called:
How many digits are there in an IFSC code used to transfer money using NEFT?
Salary or wages under bonus act includes:
Price risk is the risk of a decline in the value of a security or a portfolio. How can one transfer price risk?
Other things remaining constant, money received tomorrow is ______ received today.
Which of the following statements about the accrual basis of accounting is true?