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Frequently traded shares means shares of a target company, in which the traded turnover on any stock exchange during the twelve calendar months preceding the calendar month in which the public announcement is made, is at least 10% of the total number of shares of such class of the target company. However, where the share capital of a particular class of shares of the target company is not identical throughout such period, the weighted average number of total shares of such class of the target company shall represent the total number of shares.
Two students appeared in an exam and one secured 12 marks more than the other. If marks of student who got more marks is 54% of the sum of the marks of ...
Certain number of students from two schools takes part in an examination. Out of a total of 100 students who participated from ABC school, x% failed in ...
Two students appeared in an exam and one secured 10 marks more than the other. If marks of student who got more marks is 52% of the sum of the marks of ...
Two numbers are respectively 30% and 50% more than a third number. First number is approximately how much percent less than the second number?
In 2018, Pritam used up 72% of his income for expenses. In the following year, his income rose by 20%, while his expenditure increased by 25%. What was ...
A gave 50% of amount to B. B gave 20% of amount received from A to C. If amount received by C from B is Rs.186, then find the amount received by B from A.
In an election between two candidates, winner got 60% of total valid votes. If total number of votes cast were 1200 out of which 5% were invalid, then f...
In a village 40% of votes were cast in an election. A and B were the contestants. A won by 600 votes. If B had got 60% more votes, there would have been...
20% of 35% of a number is 175. What is 18% of that number?
The sum of the monthly incomes of ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ is Rs. 60000 which is 4 times the monthly income of ‘C’. If ‘A’ spends 60% of his...