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Regulation 3,4 and 5 of SEBI (PIT) Regulations. For “c” to be correct - In case of connected persons, the onus of establishing that they were not in possession of unpublished price sensitive information, shall be on the connected persons
Super rice is developed by
The term blue revolution is related to
In integrated pest management the Economic Threshold Level (ETL) means ____
Which of the following mycoherbicide is used to control dodder?
Removal of small buds to obtain the bigger flowers is called as
Stomata closing can be induced by:
Maize is generally not grown in
Which of the following spice is popularly known as queen of spices
Consider the following statements regarding pest management in rice and choose correct options-
(A). ETL for rice earhead bug in milky stage is 1...
Which is an illustration of relay cropping?