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As per Reg 11- (2)In case of failure to serve a summons or notice through any one of the modes provided under sub-regulation(1), the summons or notice may be affixed on the outer door or some other conspicuous part of the premises in which the person resides or is known to have last resided, or carried on business or personally works, or last worked, for gain and a written report thereof shall be prepared in the presence of two witnesses.
In the following question, a word has been given and there are three ways in which the word has been used, in similar or different forms. You need to s...
In the given question, a word has been given and there are three ways in which the word has been used, in similar or different forms. You need to see w...
In each of the following questions, three statements are given with an idiom highlighted in bold. You have to select the answer choice that represents ...
Select the synonym of the given word.
In each of the questions given below, two phrases in a sentence are highlighted which may or may not be correctly used. From the given choices, choose ...
In each question below, word is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
i. The red wine was a perfect complement to the steak dinner last night.
ii. She received a comp...
(i) Inside, the noise level really wasn't any worse than at the Bronze, though the music selection was abominable.
(ii) The com...
In the given question, a word has been given and there are three ways in which the word has been used, in similar or different forms. You need to see w...
In the following question, four words have been given out of which one word is incorrectly spelt. Select the incorrectly spelt word.