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As per Reg 11- (2)In case of failure to serve a summons or notice through any one of the modes provided under sub-regulation(1), the summons or notice may be affixed on the outer door or some other conspicuous part of the premises in which the person resides or is known to have last resided, or carried on business or personally works, or last worked, for gain and a written report thereof shall be prepared in the presence of two witnesses.
A bought a laptop for Rs.25000. He spent 22% of the amount that he had paid for buying it for its repair. He then sold the laptop to B and earned a prof...
The cost price of 28 apples is Rs.70. If it is sold at 20% profit, then how many apples will be sold for Rs.66?
The cost price of 32 pineapples is Rs. 80. If they are sold at a 20% profit, how many pineapples need to be sold for exactly Rs. 72 to break even, consi...
If 7% of S.P. is equal to 8% of C.P. and if 9% of S.P. is Rs. 2 more than 10% of C.P, then find C.P. and S.P.
A shopkeeper sold an article at a discount of 16%. If he had given a discount of 7.5% in place of 16%, then he would have earned Rs. 204 more. If the co...
A shopkeeper sells an article for Rs 80 and earns thrice the profit that he would have earned on selling this article for Rs 69. Find the C.P of ...
A shopkeeper marked an article P% above its cost price and sold it for Rs. 576 after giving a discount of 20%. If the ratio of cost price and selling pr...
A shopkeeper marked an article 50% above its cost price and made a profit of Rs. 320 when he sold the article after giving a discount of 20%. Find the p...
Jeeva purchased an article for Rs.2500 and sold it at 25% above cost and paid a tax of Rs.125. Find the post-tax profit in rupees.
The price of a commodity was first increased by 25% and then decreased by 25%. If the new price of the commodity is Rs. 600, find...