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As per Reg 11- (2)In case of failure to serve a summons or notice through any one of the modes provided under sub-regulation(1), the summons or notice may be affixed on the outer door or some other conspicuous part of the premises in which the person resides or is known to have last resided, or carried on business or personally works, or last worked, for gain and a written report thereof shall be prepared in the presence of two witnesses.
In which year was Sawai Ram Singh founded the Rajasthan School of Arts?
Which of the following animals is used for transport in Tibet?
Panipat situated in which of the following state?
From where did the Peasant movement start for first time in Rajasthan?
Central Arid Zone Research Institute is situated in -
Which one of the following is the longest river in Asia which passes through major part of East Asia?
Below are given some parts of a sentence in jumbled order. Arrange the parts in the correct order to form a meaningful sentence.
1) to white, b...
Which of the following statements is not correct about the trend when going from left to right across the periods of the periodic table
Sultan Abu Bakr Shah was from which of the following dynasties?