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As per Reg 21- (1)Without prejudice to the provisions of the Act, rules and these regulations, the recognised stock exchange(s) and the recognised clearing corporation(s) shall disclose to theBoard, in the format specified by the Board, their shareholding pattern on a quarterly basis within fifteen days from the end of each quarter, including therein the following: —(a)the names of the ten largest shareholders along with the number and percentage of shares held by them;(b)the names of the shareholders falling under regulations 17 and 18 who had acquired shares in that quarter
The Chief Justice of Madras High Court has inaugurated a Madras Tax _____ , which is fully dedicated to lawyers specializing in taxation.
Which lake is the largest freshwater lake by surface area in the world?
Atal Bhujal Yojana is a groundwater management scheme. The scheme is being funded by the Government of India and which of the following?
16th January was celebrated as 'Opinion Poll Day' or 'Asmitai Dis' in the state of:
Six banks were nationalised in 1969 and 14 banks were nationalised in 1980
The Indian Express was started by whom?
Which Indian state celebrates Jamai Sashti, a festival honoring sons-in-law?
When do we observe World Sanskrit Day?
The most important fishing grounds of the world are found in the regions where:
Which community is associated with the performance of the Koli Dance?