
    What information is included in the disclosed

    shareholding pattern of recognized stock exchanges and recognized clearing corporations, As per Regulation 21 of Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018?
    A Names of all shareholders Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Names of the top five shareholders Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Names of the ten largest shareholders along with the number and percentage of shares held by them Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Names of the shareholders who acquired shares in the last year Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Both a) and b) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    As per Reg 21- (1)Without prejudice to the provisions of the Act, rules and these regulations, the recognised stock exchange(s) and the recognised clearing corporation(s) shall disclose to theBoard, in the format specified by the Board, their shareholding pattern on a quarterly basis within fifteen days from the end of each quarter, including therein the following: —(a)the names of the ten largest shareholders along with the number and percentage of shares held by them;(b)the names of the shareholders falling under regulations 17 and 18 who had acquired shares in that quarter

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