Explanation: Section 14. "Free consent" defined: Consent is said to be free when it is not caused by-- (1) coercion, as defined in section 15, or (2) undue influence, as defined in section 16, or (3) fraud, as defined in section 17, or (4) misrepresentation, as defined in section 18, or (5) mistake, subject to the provisions of sections 20, 21 and 22. Consent is said to be so caused when it would not have been given but for the existence of such coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake.
Answer the following question based on the direction given below.
If 'A#B' means 'A is father of B'
'A@B' means 'A is brother of B'
If, A - B means 'A is the mother of B' A @ B means 'A is the sister of B' A # B means 'A is the husband of B' A & B means 'A is the son of B' A $ B mean...
. ‘L&M’ means ‘L is husband of M’.
‘L%M’ means ‘L is wife of M’.
‘L@M’ means ‘L is father of M’.
‘L#M’ ...
If R ÷ S + T + U, which of the following is true?
Statements : R < Q ≤ T > S = V, D < F ≤ Q
Conclusions : I. T > D II. F < R
If 'A + B' means that A is the brother of B, 'A X B' means that A is the daughter of B, 'A ÷ B' means that A is the father of B, then which of the fol...
If 'A # B' means A is the brother of B, 'A $ B' means A is the mother of B, 'A % B' means A is the spouse of B, then which of the following expressions ...
If ‘L#H$I@G?W*K’ is true, then, how is K related to L?
P + Q means ‘P is the brother of Q’, P - Q means ‘P is the daughter of Q’, P ÷ Q means ‘P is the husband of Q’, P × Q means ‘P is the so...
If "J © K & L # F # G @ H & I % M $ N", then how is G related to K?