To facilitate settlement negotiation and avoid litigation, Explanation: Alternate Dispute Resolution refers to a variety of processes and techniques designed to help disagreeing parties come to an agreement short of litigation. These processes can be including facilitated settlement negotiation, in which disagreeing parties are encouraged to consult directly with each other prior to some other legal process, to arbitration, which can look like a standard trial. Most commonly used ADR systems are negotiation, mediation, arbitration etc.
The herbicide that is selective to broad leaved weeds is
Kinnow mandarin is a cross between King and
What is the depth of irrigation, if an area of 2 ha is irrigated in 50 hrs with a discharge rate of 300 l/min?
Bio-fertilizers are used as:
Water requirement satisfaction index (WRSI) can be computed using the information on seasonal actual evapotranspiration (AET) and seasonal crop water r...
Organisms of which division under Kingdom Plantae are called the Amphibians of the Plant Kingdom?
Estimate the percent moisture in a given SAMPLE:Weight of moist soil+ box= 200 gm Weight of oven dry soil+ box= 160 gm Weight of empty box - 50 gm
____ is a milk process that makes milk more easily digested by those with a sensitive digestive system.
What is the immediate and serious health threat posed by excessive nitrate concentrations in drinking water, especially to infants under 3 months of age?
A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with significant levels of biodiversity that is threatened by human habitation. Which one of the follow...