The order promotes the preference for domestically manufactured goods in government procurement, aligning with the "Make in India" initiative, Explanation: Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order: The order promotes the preference for domestically manufactured goods in government procurement, aligning with the "Make in India" initiative. It encourages government entities to prioritize domestically produced goods, services, and works in their procurement processes.
121, 240, 386, 555, 751, 976
132, 231, 396, 620, 924, 1287
115, 138, 163, 190, 220, 250
3 5 9 17 32 65
...12, 10, 23, 65, 265, 1289
131, 132, 140, 166, 231, 356
38, 54, 73, 95, 135, 196
74, 79, 86.5, 101.5, 109, 124, 141.5
35, 44, 28, 53, 19, 66
56, 69, 90, 119, 156, 208