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Indian Partnership Act Order VIII Rule 6D Effect of discontinuance of suit.— If in any case in which the defendant sets up a counterclaim, the suit of the plaintiff is stayed, discontinued or dismissed, the counter-claim may nevertheless be proceeded with.
The average age of Mohan, his wife, his son and his daughter is 24 years. His wife is just 5 years younger than Mohan himself and his wife was 25 years ...
Today is Reena’s birthday. She has turned 34. Reena is twice as old as Deepa was when Reena was as old as Deepa is now. How old is Deepa now?
Rohit's current age matches Rahul's age from 5 years earlier. If the age of Rohit 10 years from now will be the same as Rahul's age 5 years from now, wh...
My grandfather’s age was seven times older to me 14 years ago. He would be two times of my age seven years from now. Seven years ago, what was the...
Sum of the present ages of Gaurav and Shubham is 100. Age of Gaurav four years ago was twice the age of Shubham six years ago. Find the square root of a...
The ratio of the husband’s age three years from now to the wife’s age two years ago is 9:7. Additionally, the ratio of the husband’s age one year ...
P says to Q ‘’ I am thrice as old as you were when I was as old as you are’’. The sum of their ages is 100 years. Find the difference of their ...
The current age of Jerry is three times that of Kim. 4 years from now, Jerry's age will be 2.5 times the age of Leo at that time. If Kim is 4 years youn...
The current ages of Anita and Sunita are in a ratio of 3:4. If, four years from now, Sunita's age will be 20% greater than her current age, the question...
Sum of the present ages of A, B, C and D is 60 years. After 2 years ratio of their ages is 7:5:3:2. What is C’s present age?